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Special Sessions

The EFA 2018 Annual Meeting offers four sessions in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank, the Norges Bank Investment Management, and Unigestion.

Papers for the special sessions will undergo the same submission and review process as regular paper submissions. Submitting to special sessions means that you are submitting to the main conference. The papers for these special sessions will be chosen from the pool submitted to the conference.

Bank for International Settlements

BIS The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) encourages the submission of papers on the topic:

1) Monetary policy normalisation

  • What is the appropriate sequencing, timing, pace and forward guidance for normalisation?
  • How does the normalisation of central bank balance sheets influence yield curves?
  • What is the impact of monetary normalisation by advanced economy central banks on emerging markets?

2) Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)

  • What are the implications of CBDCs for the conduct of monetary policy?
  • How do CBDCs affect financial stability?
  • Do CBDCs encourage a better allocation of resources?


European Central Bank


The European Central Bank (ECB) encourages submissions of papers related to one or several of the following topics:

Monetary and financial stability

  • How do micro- and macro-prudential regulation affect the monetary policy transmission mechanism?
  • How does monetary policy relate to excessive risk taking and the distribution of risk across financial Intermediaries?
  • What are the implications of non-standard monetary policy, like negative rates and asset purchases, on financial stability?


Norges Bank Investment Management


Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) encourages the submission of papers on the topic:

Understanding the long-run drivers of asset prices

  • Asset pricing in an international context
  • Institutional investor demand, lending supply and asset prices
  • Tradable risk factors and their links to the macro economy

We welcome theoretical and empirical papers aiming to understand the longer-run determinants of asset prices, especially in an international context.



UnigestionUnigestion encourages the submission of papers on the topic:

  • Risk premia in different asset classes (equities, fixed income, FX, commodities, volatility)
  • Time-varying expected returns, volatility, and correlations of risk premia in different asset classes
  • Dynamic allocation to risk premia in different asset classes
  • Macroeconomic dependence of risk premia
  • Liquidity and implementation of alternative risk premia